类  别: 机械与自动化类
作  者: 黄安贻
定  价: ¥28.00
书  号: 978-7-5629-2083-0


类  别: 机械与自动化类
书  号: 978-7-5629-2083-0
层  次: 本科及研究生
作  者: 黄安贻
定  价: ¥28.00


Control Engineering has been recognized as one of the most important primary technology. It is significant to allow the technology to have much more influence in determining the discipline and body of knowledge to be incorporated in an undergraduate course. To meet the challenge in the 21st century,bilingual teaching becomes one of the most popular modes to train professionals who would be competent in the future. The teaching materials for the general technology has been carefully planned and compiled for the undergraduate students in accordance with the requirements of the obligated course and of bilingual teaching mode. There are 8 chapters in this book:Introduction to Control Systems,Building Appropriate Mathematical Models for a Control System,Time Response Analysis of Control Systems,Frequency Response Analysis of Control Systems,Stability Analysis of Control Systems,Steady-state Errors of Control Systems,Compensation Techniques,Digital Control. It covers the fundamentals of control engineering,including differential equations,transfer functions,signal flow graphs,time response,frequency response,s-plane,and state variable methods, fundamental theory of discrete control etc.. Drill Problems are appended to the end of each chapter for the students to practice. This book can be used as textbook or reading material for the course of controtheory as well as the course of English in automation. It also can be employed as reference for the teachers and students in the universities or in the colleges,technicians who major in mechanical engineering,control engineering or automation.


CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction to control systems1.1 Principle of automatic control system1.2 Structure of control system1.3 Control systems' characteristics1.4 Types of control systems1.5 Brief history of automatic control1.6 Drill problemsChapter 2 Building appropriate mathematical models for a control system2.1 Introduction2.2 Describe a physical system in differential equation2.3 Transfer function2.4 Block diagrams2.5 Signal flow diagrams2.6 State space representation2.7 Derive transfer function from state space representation2.8 Drill problemsChapter 3 Time response analysis of control systems3.1 Introduction3.2 Time response and its components3.3 Time response from transfer function3.4 Performance specifications in time domain3.5 Time response from state space equation3.6 Observability and controllability of control system3.7 Drill problemsChapter 4 Frequency response analysis of control systems4.1 Concepts4.2 Graphical descriptions:Nyquist and Bode diagrams4.3 Minimum phase systems4.4 Frequency characteristics of closed-loop control systems4.5 Performance specification in frequency domain4.6 Determine the transfer function of a control systems through experiments4.7 Drill problemsChapter 5 Stability analysis of control systems5.1 Concepts5.2 Routh's stability criterion5.3 Routh's criterion:special cases5.4 Criterion for stability in frequency domain5.5 Relative-stability:gain and phase margins5.6 Summary5.7 Drill problemsChapter 6 Steady-state errors of control systems6.1 Concepts6.2 Calculating the steady-state errors resulted from inputs6.3 The effect of feedback on system disturbances6.4 Drill ProblemsChapter 7 Compensation techniques7.1 Introduction7.2 General controller7.3 Frequency-based compensation of system7.4 Poles assignment in state feedback7.5 Drill problemsChapter 8 Digital control8.1 Introduction8.2 Analog-digital conversion8.3 Discrete-time signals8.4 Sampling8.5 The z-transform and inverse z-transform8.6 Pulse transfer functions8.7 Reconstruction of signals from samples8.8 Discrete-time systems8.9 State space represent of discrete-time systems8.10 Drill problemsAppendix A CommentariesAppendix B Laplace transformAppendix C Terminology indexReferences


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