书  名: Structural Mechanics(结构力学)
类  别: 土木工程与建筑学类
作  者: 包世华 龚耀清
定  价: ¥59.00
书  号: 978-7-5629-2407-4


书  名: Structural Mechanics(结构力学)
类  别: 土木工程与建筑学类
书  号: 978-7-5629-2407-4
层  次: 本科及研究生
作  者: 包世华 龚耀清
定  价: ¥59.00


本书是根据中国高等学校土木工程专业的教学计划、结构力学课程的教学大纲和课程基本要求,为中国高等学校土木工程专业结构力学课程“双语教学”编写的英文结构力学教材。全书共分14章, 包括:绪论,结构的几何组成分析,静定梁, 静定刚架,三铰拱,静定桁架和组合结构,静定结构总论,影响线,虚功原理和结构的位移,力法,位移法,渐进法和超静定结构的影响线,矩阵位移法和超静定结构总论。除第一章外,每章均有提要、小结、思考题和习题,书后附有答案。


CHAPTER 1Introduction1.1Structures and Their Classification1.2Objective and Learning Method of Structural Mechanics1.3Analytical Models of Structures1.4Classification of Framed Structures1.5The Classification of LoadsSummary·Problems for ReflectingCHAPTER 2Geometric Construction Analysis of Structures2.1Purpose of Analyzing Geometric Construction of Structures, Stable and Unstable Structural Systems2.2The Concept of Degrees of Freedom and Restraints2.3Geometric Construction Rules of Planar Stable Framed Systems Without Redundant Restraints2.4Illustration of Geometric Construction Analysis2.5The Relationship between Static Determinacy and Geometric Construction of StructuresSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 3Statically Determinate Beams3.1The Analysis of Single Span Beams3.2Construction of Bending Moment Diagram By Principle of Superposition for Straight Members3.3The Analysis of Simply Supported Inclined Beams3.4The Restraint Force Calculation and Geometric Construction of Statically Determinate Multispan Beams3.5The Construction of Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Multispan BeamsSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 4Plane Statically Determinate Rigid Frames4.1Geometric Construction and Characteristics of Plane Statically Determinate Rigid Frames4.2The Analyzing of Reactions for Statically Determinate Rigid Frames4.3Determination of Internal Forces of Member Ends by Using the Method of Sections4.4The Construction of Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Frames4.5Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Threehinged Frames, Multispan and Multistory FramesSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 5Three Hinged Arches5.1The Constitution and Type of Three Hinged Arches5.2The Reactions of Three Hinged Arches Under the Action of Vertical Loads5.3The Formula for Calculating Internal Forces of Three Hinged Arches Under Action of Vertical Loads5.4Stressing Performance of Three Hinged Arches5.5Rational Axial Lines of Three Hinged ArchesSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 6Plane Statically Determinate Trusses and Composite Structures 6.1Characteristics and Classification of Trusses6.2The Method of Joints6.3The Method of Sections6.4The Combination of the Method of Joints and the Method of Sections6.5Form and Stressing Characteristics of Girder Trusses 6.6Composite StructuresSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 7General Remarks on Statically Determinate Structures7.1Analytical Methods for Statically Determinate Structures7.2General Property of Statically Determinate Structures7.3Stressing Characteristics of Various Types of StructuresProblems for SolutionCHAPTER 8Influence Lines8.1Concept of influence lines8.2Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Single Span Beams by Static Method8.3Influence Lines for Girders with Floor Systems8.4Influence Lines for Trusses by Using Static Method8.5Virtual Displacement Method for Constructing Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Beams8.6Application of Influence LinesSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 9Principle of Virtual Work and Displacement of Structures9.1Introduction for Calculation of Structural Displacement9.2Virtual Work and Principle of Virtual Work9.3General Equation and Unit Load Method for Computing Displacements9.4Calculation of Displacements Caused by Loads9.5GraphMultiplication Method9.6Calculation of Displacements Caused by Temperature Changes9.7Calculation of Displacements Caused by Support Movement9.8Reciprocal Laws for Linear Elastic SystemProblems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 10Force Method10.1Statically Indeterminate Structures and Degrees of Indeterminacy10.2Basic Concept of Force Method10.3Canonical Equations of Force Method10.4Statically Indeterminate Beams, Rigid Frames and Bent Frames10.5Statically Indeterminate Trusses and Composite Structures10.6Analysis of Symmetric Structures10.7Statically Indeterminate Arches10.8Internal Forces due to Support Settlements and Temperature Changes10.9Computation of Displacements of Statically Indeterminate Structures10.10Verification of Calculation of Statically Indeterminate StructuresSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 11Displacement Method11.1Fundamental Concepts of Displacement Method11.2Member End Forces of Various SingleSpan Indeterminate Prismatic Beams Due to Their End Displacements and External Loadings11.3Primary Unknowns and Primary Systems in Displacement Method11.4DisplacementMethod Equations11.5Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Beams and Rigid Frames with No Sidesway11.6Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Rigid and Bent Frames with Sidesway11.7Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Symmetric Structures11.8Development of DisplacementMethod Equations by Direct Stiffness MethodSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 12Method of Successive Approximations and Influence Lines for Indeterminate Structures12.1General Remarks for Method of Successive Approximations12.2Concepts and Terminology in Moment Distribution Method12.3Moment Distribution at a Single Joint—MomentDistribution Process12.4Moment Distribution at MultiJoints—Successive Approximations12.5NoShear Moment Distribution Method12.6Shear Distribution Method12.7Influence Lines for Forces of Statically Indeterminate Structures12.8Most Unfavorable Arrangement of Live Loads and Envelops for Internal Forces of Continuous BeamsSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 13Matrix Displacement Method13.1Introduction13.2Member Stiffness Matrix in Local Coordinate System13.3Member Stiffness Matrix in Global Coordinate System13.4Global Stiffness Matrixes of Continuous Beams13.5Global Stiffness Matrixes of Rigid Frames13.6Equivalent Nodal Loads13.7Procedure for Analysis and Examples13.8Global Analysis of Rigid Frames without Considering Axial Deformation13.9Block Diagram and Computer Programs for Plane Framed StructuresSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionCHAPTER 14General Remarks on Statically Indeterminate Structures14.1Classification and Comparison of Fundamental Method used to Analyze Statically Indeterminate Structures14.2Combined Method—Simultaneously Applying Moment Distribution and Displacement Methods to Frames with Sidesway14.3Approximate Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures14.4Properties of Statically Indeterminate Structures14.5Complementary Discussion about Computing Models of StructuresSummary·Problems for Reflecting·Problems for SolutionAnswers to selected problemsBibliography


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