书  名: 新编商务英语
类  别: 经济学与管理学
作  者: 杨桂英 吴翠华
定  价: ¥30.00
书  号: 978-7-5629-5709-6


书  名: 新编商务英语
类  别: 经济学与管理学
书  号: 978-7-5629-5709-6
层  次: 高职高专及中专
作  者: 杨桂英 吴翠华
定  价: ¥30.00




  Unit 1Meeting a Trade Delegation()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Effective Strategies for International Negotiators (Ⅰ)()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Status Inquiries()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Effective Strategies for International Negotiators (Ⅱ)()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Rules of Interaction() Unit 2Business Dinner()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Chinese Cuisine()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Invitation Cards & Letters()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Eating in the USA()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Table Manners() Unit 3Factory Tours and Sightseeing()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Travel Broadens Executive Minds()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Short Company Profiles()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading ()
Welcome to Beijing()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Travel Agency()Unit 4Establishing Business Relations()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
China Import and Export Fair()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Letters of Establishing Business Relations()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
EUChina Relations()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
How to Establish and Keep Business Relationships with the Arabs() Unit 5Enquiries and Offers()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Crosscultural Negotiating()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Letters of Enquiries and Offers()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Asking Questions()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Conceding and Bargaining() Unit 6Counter Offer()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Export Pricing()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Letters of Counteroffer()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Business Customs of the United States()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
CounterOffer() Unit 7Terms of Payment()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Terms of Payment()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Letters of Credit()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Bill of Exchange or Draft()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Business on the Internet() Unit 8Business Contracts()
Part ⅠListen and Talk ()
Part ⅡReading()
The Business Contract()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Writing a Business Contract()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
The Export Sales Contract()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
How to Express Your Thanks() Unit 9Delivery of Goods()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Shipping Advice()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Bill of Lading()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
HistoryContainerization() Unit 10Complaints and Claims()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Complaints and Claims (Ⅰ)()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Letters of Making Complaints and Settlement of Claims()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Complaints and Claims (Ⅱ)()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
What do Business Ethics Bring to J&J()Unit 11Commodities Fair()
Part ⅠListen and Talk ()
Part ⅡReading()
China Yangling Agricultural Hitech Fair()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Meeting Address(会议致辞)()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Exhibition and Its Classification()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Background of China Import and Export Commodities Fair() Unit 12Meeting ()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Conducting Effective Meetings()
Part ⅢCase Study ()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
What Should a Secretary Do for People at the Meeting?() Unit 13Telephone Calls()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
Ten Things Never in Your Business Calls()
Part ⅢCase Study()
A Telephone Message()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading()
Effective Telephone Call()
Part ⅤCulture Salon  ()
Preparing for a Telephone Call() Unit 14Jobs and Careers ()
Part ⅠListen and Talk()
Part ⅡReading()
When Losing a Job Means Losing Your Identity()
Part ⅢCase Study()
Job Application()
Part ⅣAdditional Reading ()
Career Planning()
Part ⅤCulture Salon()
Presenting Yourself Successfully() References()


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