书  名: 引航英语
类  别: 交通海事类
作  者: 王当利 张仁杰 付耀方
定  价: ¥32.00
书  号: 978-7-5629-4863-6


书  名: 引航英语
类  别: 交通海事类
书  号: 978-7-5629-4863-6
层  次: 本科及研究生
作  者: 王当利 张仁杰 付耀方
定  价: ¥32.00




Unit 1Essential Knowledge for Piloting Safely Onboard Lesson 1Identification and Communication for Pilot Text Words and Expressions Notes Lesson 2The Requirements for Rigging the Pilot Ladder Text Words and Expressions NotesLesson 3Precautions for Pilot Embarkation and Disembarkation Text Words and ExpressionsNotes Lesson 4Bridge Resource Management Text Words and Expressions Notes Lesson 5The Requirements of Safe Navigation with a Pilot OnboardTextWords and Expressions NotesLesson 6VTS Introduction TextWords and Expressions Notes Lesson 7Pilot Business Letter and Telegram Text Words and Expressions Notes Exercises Unit 2Basic Knowledge of NavigatioLesson 8Nautical PublicationsText 1 Text 2Admiralty Notices to Mariners Text 3Guide to Port Entry Words and Expressions NotesLesson 9Fundamental Knowledge on Geo Navigation Text 1Common Terms Text 2Position Fixing by Landmark Text 3Aids to Navigation in Inland Waterways Words and Expressions Notes Lesson 10The Usage of Navigational Aids Text 1Radar and ARPAText 2GPS, AIS and ECDIS Words and Expressions NotesExercises Unit 3Marine Meteorology Lesson 11Basic Knowledges about Marine Meteorology Text 1Weather SystemsWords and Expressions Notes Text 2State of CloudsWords and ExpressionsNotes Lesson 12Weather Reports Text Words and Expressions NotesExercisesUnit 4Ship Handling Lesson 13Basic Knowledge about Ship HandlingText 1Turning Circle Text 2Course Stability and Course Keeping AbilityText 3Stopping AbilityText 4The Effect of External ForcesWords and ExpressionsNotes Lesson 14Shiphandling EquipmentText 1Propeller, Rudder, Anchor and Mooring Lines Text 2Tug and Thruster Words and Expressions NotesLesson 15Ship Manoeuvring in Inland Waters TextWords and Expressions Notes Lesson 16Anchoring, Berthing and Unberthing OperationText 1Anchoring Operation Text 2Berthing and Unberthing OperationText 3SPM Operations Words and ExpressionsNotesLesson 17Ship Emergency Procedures Text 1CollisionText 2Grounding Text 3Mainenginefailure Text 4Steering Gear FailureText 5Power Failure Words and Expressions Notes Exercises Unit 5Preventing Collisions at Inland Waters of People’s Republic of China Lesson 18Preventing Collisions at Inland Waters of People’s Republic of China1991(Amendments, 2003) Part IGeneral Part IISailing and Collisionavoiding Rules Section I General Rules of Conduct Words and Expressions NotesLesson 19Regulations on the Ship’s Routeing System in Jiangsu Section ofYangtze River, 2013 Part IGeneral Provisions Part IIChannel and Route Part IIINavigation Part IVBerthing Part VCollision PreventionPart VIResponsibilityPart VIISupplementary Provisions Part VIIIAnnexes Words and Expressions Notes Exercises Unit 6Emergency Responses Lesson 20Search and Rescue Operations Text Words and Expressions NotesLesson 21Firefighting at Sea TextWords and Expressions Notes Lesson 22Lifesaving and Survival at Sea Text Words and ExpressionsNotes Lesson 23Oil Pollution Responding and Damage Control Text Words and ExpressionsNotesExercises Key to exercises 词汇检索参考文献


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